When one wakes up in the morning

One wakes up in the morning and immediately desires.

Desires coffee, desires to wash their face, desires to execute what they planned.


And at the core of all these desires, there is the desire to continue existence.

It’s the desire that governs the entire system.

The desire upon which thousands of stories and narratives are woven, and in turn, create new desires that, if ever wiped away until the last one, will never create even the slightest change in that fundamental desire at their core, the desire to continue.

To continue what? And why?

And what is it, that wants so much to continue?

The stories and narratives that the world has created allow avoidance of facing these questions.

If there’s a story, one might not notice that there’s a question without an answer because the nature of stories is that they always come with answers.

A person wants to get education so they can find a job that provides money and status.

A person wants a romantic relationship so they can feel loved and become a “family person”.

All these are stories, narratives, from which desires sprout, enabling the noise, just in the right degree that won’t allow one to hear what exists in its absent.

And perhaps that’s what happens when I’m in a cloud. It’s a space in which it feels that an alien desire has control over me. A desire that doesn’t belong to me at all, the desire to keep this existence. It feels like a foreign entity has taken over me because, “me”, I don’t want anything at all.

Back to the game

Today again, just like then on the pier in Hong Kong, the tears came. Their words were different, but their essence seemed the same, as it felt again like a prayer. I shouted to the sky (even though I was sitting in complete silence on the couch at home). I

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As a walking dead

As a walking dead, my feet walk in the streets of Bangkok.In every corner hides another ‘Iris’ that I was.The Iris who was excited at the sight of every market, wishing that at the moment she noticed it, from the back seat of a taxi bike most likely, she was

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The Hen, The Egg and that which is between

Pain. Piercing, unyielding, stabbing. Rises to the eye’s edges and stings. As its echo comes the mind and begins to unfold the narrative that will explain the “why” behind that initial feeling, simply because, inherently, the mind must find the “why” for every “what” it defines, just as it does

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